Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Advantages of Vaccination Free Essay Example, 2250 words

Vaccination has been an advantage in the general health of individuals by playing a major role in decreasing the rate of diseases that are infectious. Despite the many controversies and agents fighting against vaccinations, there are reasons that prove that the benefits outweigh the risks associated with vaccinations and that the vaccines are of great value to the people and to the society as a whole. Vaccinations help in preventing infectious diseases and also reducing the risk of death from these infections. Without vaccination, people become more susceptible and vulnerable to infectious diseases because they lack the antibodies necessary to fight the disease. If one is not vaccinated, tackling with a specific disease becomes a long painful process and therefore it is important for people to overlook the few disadvantages like the concern about their safety and get immunized to reduce the threat these diseases carry. Immunization protects a child from complications that may arise from the vaccine-preventable diseases like loss of hearing, amputation of the limbs and many more. According to the research in the past, most of the vaccines have helped in preventing diseases greatly with most of the vaccines being approximately 90% effective. We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages of Vaccination or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention pg36)If one is not vaccinated, he/she becomes a threat to the person next to them. In cases of outbreaks, the unvaccinated individuals become the major mode of transmission due to their susceptibility. These individuals can transmit a disease even to the young infants who are too small to receive immunization or too sick individuals who cannot receive a vaccine due to their disease. If a greater number of people in a community are vaccinated, this reduces the chances of disease to cause an outbreak. This provides immunity for the whole community in some way and this kind of immunity is called the herd immunity.

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